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One Legacy

What we sow…

Our children.  Our grandchildren.  Generations to come.  There is only one legacy we can leave them that really matters.

We plant seeds today that will grow into the harvest of Godly lives.  If we are negligent to plant the seeds, or if we fail to protect what is growing by pulling out the weeds and providing shelter from the elements, how can we be surprised when the harvest is lacking?  But that will not be us.  We will sow, and nurture, and future generations will reap the blessing.

Our children are a sacred stewardship and one day we will give an account of what we sowed into them and how we fostered their growth.

70-88% of teenagers who are involved in youth groups leave the church within two years of graduation

-S.B.C. 2001

The purpose of One Legacy

Equipping families to maintain Biblical faith as they navigate their children’s education

All parents are ultimately responsible for their children’s education whether they homeschool, public, private, charter or online school.  The statistics of young people leaving their faith in high school and college are staggering.  If we are not teaching a Biblical worldview about science, history, social issues, and the foundational truths of who God and Jesus are…we are admitting defeat.

We have a rich history of faith.  We owe it to our children to impress up on them that these beliefs matter.  With One Legacy, we’re hoping to provide a place where Biblical Unitarians can come together to encourage, support, share resources and experiences with one another.



Percent of teens who left the church because of “academics”, “science” & “intellectual skepticism” 1


Percent of college professors who hold unfavorable feelings toward evangelical Christians while at the same time holding favorable opinions of most other religious groups 2


Percent of Christian teens that believe that “all faiths teach equally valid truths” 3


Percent of Christian Universities who said they teach that the Bible is merely “a book of guidelines” 4

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